Friday, July 9, 2010


University of Manchester: currently 3rd behind Oxford and Cambridge as a research institution and producer of Nobel laureates.

the Alan Turing Building on campus, completed in 2007, houses the mathematics and astrophysics departments as well as the photon science institute.
UNDER THREAT: The Odeon modern exterior of the Odeon Theater-likely architecturally unchanged since the 50s when Turing met " Ron" outside one such cinema.

THE grand main stage of the Odeon in the days when organ music  introduced the feature. Mainstage of the Odeon from "back when organs used to introduce the picture" Another Manchester cinema circa 1956
"Teddy Boys" in their neo-Edwardian threads, Manchester, 1955. This look was popular among eccentrics in the UK. St Peter's Sq,1956. Note the buildings blackened by soot.

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